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Sundeck Centre Community Involvement

At Okanagan Sundeck Centre, we take great pride in our community involvement. Our vinyl decking company has committed to helping build affordable housing by donating time and/or materials to various construction projects throughout the Okanagan Valley. It’s a great feeling to be able to give back to the communities that continue to support our local business.

Below are some of the more recent projects Sundeck Centre has been involved in:


Oyama Fun Day is an annual event that brings joy, laughter, and togetherness to the residents of Oyama, our small town is known for its close-knit community and vibrant spirit. This event, organized by dedicated volunteers, offers a day filled with entertainment, activities, and delicious food for people of all ages. The success and sustainability of Oyama Fun Day heavily rely’s on the support of local businesses. We are proud to be able to support this wonderful event.

Small businesses play a critical role in supporting local communities, particularly during challenging times. At the Okanagan Sundeck Centre, our team takes pride in having a positive impact on our community. By supporting food banks we are doing our part to help provide essential assistance to individuals and families in need.

The Lake Country BC Food Bank is a vital resource that helps to alleviate hunger in the local community.

Lake Country Food Bank building.
Lake Country Food Bank thank you for $3,000 donation from Sundeck Centre


Thank you letter to Okanagan Sundeck Centre from the Lake Country Food Bank


Thank you letter to Sundeck Centre for donating to the Lake Country Food Assistance Society.


Cops for Kids photo of people on bikes sponsored by Sundeck Centre and Royal York Estates.

Sundeck Centre in support of John Groeneveld of Royal York Estates has donated to the Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation this past year. Cops for Kids is committed to assisting children who are in medical, physical or traumatic crises. Cops for Kids work tirelessly to raise funds to support children in communities across the Southern Interior Region of British Columbia.


This year instead of Christmas Cards, Tuff Industries and Sundeck Centre donated $1500 to the local food bank. Thank you for your past business! Taking the time to see the hard work and dedication of all the people at our local food bank (and I assume the ones in your community as well) gives new appreciation for all the things we often take for granted.

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Okanagan Sundeck Centre presenting a check to Winfield Food Bank


In November, Sundeck Centre joined the “Movember” movement with our stand-up team of Geoff, Justin, Mike, and Chris.  Their mission was simply to help raise awareness of men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer and male mental health. With a small team, we made a large stand for men’s health, and for all their hard work the Sundeck Centre has donated $400 to Prostate Cancer Canada.

Movember at Sundeck Centre with before and after photos of staff.


Glass deck railing on a multi-family complex

The Under One Roof Partnership

The Vernon and District Community Land Trust Society has partnered with Kindale Developmental Association and Habitat for Humanity to build, as its community project, a six-plex for families and people with disabilities. Support for this project has come from; the City of Vernon, Okanagan College Residential Construction Program, the Province of BC, Heartwood Homes Limited, MQN Architects and numerous businesses and individuals. Residents of the four-family units and the two single units moved into their new homes in early 2010.

Check out our letter from Habitat for Humanity…

Four local Lake Country community logos for Habitat for Humanity, Food Bank, Movember, and United Way

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